At Arab Academy for Scince and Technology (AAST): (September 2003 to Now)
Undergraduate Courses:
EC134 Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics.
EC210 Solid State Electronics.
EC238 Electronics 1.
EC320 Communication Theory.
EC321 Signal and Systems.
EC322 Introduction to Communication Systems.
EC323 Introduction to Communication Systems. (for Electrical Engineering Students)
EC339 Electronics 2.
EC421 Statistical communication theory (Random Processes in Communications).
EC422 Introduction to Digital Communication.
EC523 Advanced Communications Systems.
EC520 Satellite Communications.
EC525 Information Theory and Coding.
EC529 Modern Wireless Communication.
EC533 Digital Signal Processing.
EC534 Analog and Digital Signal Processing.
EC550 Selected Topics in Communications.
Undergraduate projects:
Image Watermarking (2003-2004).
Speech Transformation (2004-2005).
Communication Networks (2005-2006).
Power Line Communications.
Wireless communication Networks.
Modulation Techniques.
CDMA systems.
Design of CDMA Modulator using FPGA (2006-2007), and (2007-2008).
Fingerprint Recognition (2008-2009).
Design of Bluetooth Encryption Engine using FPGA (2009-2010).
Design, Simulation and Implementation of OFDM Modulator/Demodulator using MATLAB and FPGA (2010-2011).
A bluetooth Controlled walking Robot (2011-2012).
At LSU:(January 2000 - May 2002)
Teaching Assistant for the Digital Signal Processing laboratory and grader for linear systems, probability, circuits 1 & 2 during my Ph.D. studies at the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department - Louisiana State University.
At Assiut University:(October 1995 - August 2003)
Undergraduate Courses:
Information Theory (Final year).
Electrical properties of Materials.
Speech signal processing (Final year).
Digital signal processing.
Digital design.
Electronics (Final year).
Electronic circuits (Final year).
Information theory (Final year).
VLSI Design & CAD.
Material physical properties.
Computer science application.
Assisted in supervising undergraduate projects as a teaching assistant.