At Arab Academy for Scince and Technology (AAST): (September 2003 to Now)
Undergraduate projects:
Image Watermarking (2003-2004).
Speech Transformation (2004-2005).
Communication Networks (2005-2006).
Power Line Communications.
Wireless communication Networks.
Modulation Techniques.
CDMA systems.
Design of CDMA Modulator using FPGA (2006-2007), and (2007-2008).
Fingerprint Recognition (2008-2009).
Design of Bluetooth Encryption Engine using FPGA (2009-2010).
Design, Simulation and Implementation of OFDM Modulator/Demodulator using MATLAB and FPGA (2010-2011).
A bluetooth Controlled walking Robot (2011-2012). At Assiut University:(October 1995 - August 2003)
Assisted in supervising undergraduate projects.