Twenty-two AASTMT outstanding scientific research awards for distinguished publications in international and highly recognized periodicals.
Professor of the year award 2014 from the college of Engineering and Technology, AAST, Abu-Kir, Alexandria.
Best associate professor award 2009 from the college of Engineering and Technology, AAST, Abu-Kir, Alexandria.
Best paper award in the ITI 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2006), Cairo, Egypt, 10th -12th December 2006.
Graduate school tuition award and enhancement award from January 2001 to May 2002, Louisiana State University.
Special prize from the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate for graduating the top of the class in May 1995, Assiut University.
Student of the year Award in 1992.
"Prof. Dr. Abu-El wafa" special prize in workshop technology during preparatory year 1991.
Egyptian government awarding for undergraduate studies from October 1990 to May 1995 and Top of the class during the 5 years.
Third ranking on the governorate of Assiut in the higher secondary schools certificate examination in 1990.