Wireless Networks and Communications Research Group




Recent News


Prof. Mohamad Abou El-Nasr received AASTMT college of engineering incentive award for distinguished academic research on the seventh Remembering and Engineering day.

Dr. Heba Shaban received AASTMT college of engineering incentive award for distinguished academic research on the seventh Remembering and Engineering day.

Our gradauation project "SmartAuto" won the third place prize at IoT and Wearable track of IbTIECar'14 competition sponsored by Intel.

Dr. Heba Shaban has been promoted to Associate Professor of wireless communications.

Eng. Mohamed Al-Abyadh has successfully defended his thesis.

Prof. Mohamad Abou El-Nasr has been appointed the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA).

Eng. Mohamed Al-Abyadh and his supervisors Prof. Moahamd Abou El-Nasr and Dr. Heba Shaban received AASTMT outstanding scientific research award for distinguished publications in international and highly recognized periodicals.

SportsBAN project received ITIDA graduation project fund, GP2013.R8.29. In this fund, selected student graduation projects are funded through ITAC with a maximum of EGP 10,000 per project. The submitted projects are evaluated and sorted, and the projects with the highest scores are chosen to be funded.

Dr. Heba Shaban has joined the editorial board of ETSN journal.

Prof. Mohamad Abou El-Nasr has been assigned as the Editor-in-Cheif of the newly launched E-Health Telecommunication Systems and Networks (ETSN) journal.


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