

Mohamed khedr "An Infrastructure for Managing Context Information in Pervasive Computing Environments,” PhD thesis in Electrical Engineering , Ottawa, November 2004.



  1. "An Infrastructure for Managing Context Information in Pervasive Computing Environments,” Concordia University, Montreal, 12 November 2004.
  2. "Managing Context Information in Pervasive Computing Environments,” Carleton University, Ottawa, 18 November 2004.



  1. M. Khedr, A. Karmouch "'ACAI: Agent-Based Context-aware Infrastructure for Spontaneous Applications", Journal of Network & Computer Applications, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 19-44.


  2. M. khedr, A. Karmouch Negotiating Context Information in Context Aware Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine, Vol 19, No 6.



  4. Mohamed Khedr, M. Ganna, E. Horlait and A. Karmouch, "Semantic Techniques for Reconfiguring and Adapting Networks in Pervasive Environments", 9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2005) conference , 16-19 May 2005, Nice, France.
  5. Mohamed Khedr, "Enhancing Applicability of Context-Aware Systems Using Agent-Based Hybrid Inference Approach", IEEE VTC Spring 2005, Stockholm, Sweden
  6. 2004

  7. M. Khedr, A. Karmouch, "Runtime reconfiguration of context aware networks in pervasive environments," 7th International Symposium on Communications Interworking , Ottawa, Canada, November 29, 30 - December 1.
  8. H. Harroud, M. Khedr, A. Karmouch, “Building Policy-based Context Aware Applications for Mobile Environments”, IEEE/IFIP Mobility Aware Technologies & Applications, Oct. 20- 22, 2004, Florianopolis, Brazil.
  9. M. Khedr, A. Karmouch "A Context-Sensitive Middleware for Managing Embedded Pervasive Environments", The 2004 International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing (EUC04), Japan, 25-27 August, 2004, LNCS 3207
  10. A. Karmouch, A. Galis, R. Giaffreda, T. Kanter, et al., “Context Aware Research Challenges in Ambient Networks”, IEEE/IFIP Mobility Aware Technologies & Applications, Oct. 20- 22, 2004, Florianopolis, Brazil
  11. 2003

  12. M. khedr, A. Karmouch Exploiting SIP and agents for smart context level agreements, IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing , Victoria, BC, Canada, August 2003


  14. M. Khedr, A. Karmouch, R. Liscano, T. Gray, "Agent-based Context Aware Ad hoc Communication", IEEE MATA'02, October 2002.
  15. M. Khedr, A. Karmouch, "Enhancing Service Discovery with Context Information", ITS'02, Brazil, Sept. 2002
  16. M. Khedr, A. Karmouch,"CBSDP- Context Based Service Discovery Protocol", Proc. of the 21th Biennial Symposium on Communications, June 2002, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
  17. M. Khedr, A. Karmouch," ACAN-Ah hoc Context Aware Network", IEEE CCECE'02, Winnipeg, Canada, May 2002