Mohamed khedr "An
Infrastructure for Managing Context Information in Pervasive Computing Environments,
PhD thesis in Electrical Engineering , Ottawa, November 2004.
- "An
Infrastructure for Managing Context Information in Pervasive Computing
Environments, Concordia University, Montreal, 12
November 2004.
- "Managing
Context Information in Pervasive Computing Environments,
Carleton University, Ottawa, 18 November 2004.
- M. Khedr, A. Karmouch "'ACAI:
Agent-Based Context-aware Infrastructure for Spontaneous Applications",
of Network & Computer Applications, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 19-44.
- M. khedr, A. Karmouch
Context Information in Context Aware Systems, IEEE Intelligent
Systems magazine, Vol 19, No 6.
- Mohamed Khedr,
M. Ganna, E. Horlait and A. Karmouch, "Semantic
Techniques for Reconfiguring and Adapting Networks in Pervasive Environments",
9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management
(IM 2005) conference , 16-19 May 2005, Nice, France.
- Mohamed Khedr, "Enhancing
Applicability of Context-Aware Systems Using Agent-Based Hybrid Inference
Approach", IEEE VTC Spring 2005, Stockholm, Sweden
- M. Khedr, A.
Karmouch, "Runtime
reconfiguration of context aware networks in pervasive environments,"
7th International Symposium on Communications Interworking
, Ottawa, Canada, November 29, 30 - December 1.
- H. Harroud, M. Khedr, A. Karmouch,
Policy-based Context Aware Applications for Mobile Environments”,
IEEE/IFIP Mobility Aware Technologies & Applications, Oct. 20- 22,
2004, Florianopolis, Brazil.
- M. Khedr, A. Karmouch "A
Context-Sensitive Middleware for Managing Embedded Pervasive Environments",
The 2004 International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing
(EUC04), Japan, 25-27 August, 2004,
LNCS 3207
- A. Karmouch, A. Galis, R. Giaffreda, T. Kanter,
et al., “Context
Aware Research Challenges in Ambient Networks”,
IEEE/IFIP Mobility Aware Technologies & Applications,
Oct. 20- 22, 2004, Florianopolis, Brazil
- M. khedr, A. Karmouch
SIP and agents for smart context level agreements,
IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing
, Victoria, BC, Canada, August 2003
- M.
Khedr, A. Karmouch, R. Liscano, T. Gray, "Agent-based
Context Aware Ad hoc Communication", IEEE MATA'02,
October 2002.
- M.
Khedr, A. Karmouch, "Enhancing
Service Discovery with Context Information",
ITS'02, Brazil, Sept. 2002
- M.
Khedr, A. Karmouch,"CBSDP- Context
Based Service Discovery Protocol",
Proc. of the 21th Biennial Symposium on Communications, June
2002, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- M.
Khedr, A. Karmouch,"
ACAN-Ah hoc Context Aware Network", IEEE CCECE'02, Winnipeg,
Canada, May 2002